

They also said TRA’s management was forcing employees to work overtime during the Lunar New Year holiday, which would jeopardize passenger and transport saf債務協商程序e信用不好如何借錢ty.卡債協商專線


About 200 members of Taiwan Railway Union launched their protest at the Taipei Railway Station at 11:30am, the same 勞工紓困貸款查詢time 100 members began the土地貸款利息ir玉山銀行信貸 rally at the Kaohsiung Railway Station.

The TRA has a pool of backup employees who can be called upon to provide extra support during the holiday, so most trains will run on schedule, although there might be minor delays, he said .

The group in Taipei later moved over to the front of the Executive Yuan, where they posted “lucky” character signs and spring couples on a fence erected in 勞工購屋貸款front of the building, watched over by scores of police.民間代書急件

小額貸款率利試算表各銀行信用貸款利率比較二手車貸條件The protesters demanded that the state-run TRA follow recently promulgated amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基小額借款利息準法).

By Jason Pan / Staf公務人員貸款率利最低銀行2017f車貸銀行推薦 reporter

新聞來源:小額信貸試算TAIPEI TIMES

“The railway’s management has violated emplo青年結婚貸款yees’ labor rights. We have to work long hours and are not permitted to take days off as the law stipulates... We need to have proper rest to農會貸款試算 ensure safety standards for passengers are maintained,” Taiwan Railway Union executive Chou Kai (周鍇) said.

The union also accused the TRA of cutting the amount employees信用貸款代辦 are paid for working overtime and信貸ptt refusing to hire more people to cope with the reduction in allowable work hours under the new five-day work week policy嘉義貸款

More than 1,000 TRA employees last week signed a petition asking for time off for 高雄借錢管道the long holiday, saying that it was their legal right to have time off from yesterday, Lunar New Year’s Eve, until the third day of the Lunar New Year on Monday.

With hundreds of union members tak票貼銀行ing leave en masse for the first time in the agency’s history, the 房貸轉貸注意事項company has added temporary staff, including young men doing their alternative military service.

Taipei Railway Station Master Huang Jung-hua (黃榮華) met w整合負債貸款i高雄小額借貸快速撥款th the protesters at the station, and he assured the public that train safety was not being jeopardized.信貸試算excel

“We normally have 56 staff working each shift at the Taipei Railway Station. We had six workers taking today off, making it 50 people on the current shift,” Huang said. “There are three work shifts a day, with total of about 150 staff at work. So for the day, we might have a total of 20 people taking the day off. We can manage under this situation, and the 代辦銀行貸款rights of passengers to take the train home [for the holidays] will not be affected.”

Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) employees yesterday protested at major train stations in Taipei and Kaohsiung, saying that they are being overworked, with the rallies timed to coincide with heavy passenger demand at the start of the Lunar New Year ho代書貸款利息liday.

The protesters held up banners and slogans that said: “TRA violates workers’ rights, disregards passenger safety”房屋增貸買房 and “Reform public transportation, give workers rights to have rest days.”

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